Hello, my name’s Cody Hopper.
I divide my time between code editors and design programs. I've designed, coded, and supported digital products for sustainability, diversity and equality, and social engagement for clients from startups to Fortune 100 companies.
Givegreen ― A commerce-driven platform that empowers individuals and businesses to invest in climate-minded political candidates for a better tomorrow.
Jobvite JobGrader ― An AI-powered job description grader that helps recruiters overcome inherent biases and hire better.
CycleTracker ― A menstruation cycle tracking progressive web app.
TrueRx ― A pharmaceutical intermediary working to protect the health of your workers while navigating healthcare providers.
Highly Evolved ― Public interest website with a ton of animation and sustainable goals.
Ideas for Breakfast ― Micro-site for a short run of breakfast-adjacent podcasts.
About Me
I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwest Virginia. I feel at my peak when I can deliver a well-considered and researched product. Empathy is part of my design approach as well as my day-to-day life. I'm interested in type design, accessibility, and the semantic web.
I begin every project with tons of research. Then my job becomes honing all that information into a cohesive solution. Every conversation is an education.
Creativity is a biased process. Together let's take a close look at who we're including or excluding, who have we have or have not heard from, who is or isn't invited into the process. Let's turn dissatisfaction into something beautiful and meaningful.
Contact Me
hello [at] codyhopper.com | |
codyhopper.com | |
@codyhopper | Github |